3. 渔夫、狗和海豚
The Fisherman, the Dog and the Dolphin
文: 惠言
画: 张子沁(12岁,图1-5);王潇仪(8岁,图6-9)
英文校阅: Jason Kenny & 赵蒙皓
中文朗诵: 徐建青
英文朗诵: Michael Zhang (张泽遥)
3. 渔夫、狗和海豚中文朗诵
3. 渔夫、狗和海豚英文朗诵
The old fisherman had a big yellow dog. The two were the best of friends. One day, the old fisherman went deep sea fishing. The big yellow dog stayed home to guard the house. When it was dinner time, the old fisherman still had not returned. The big yellow dog was anxious and yelped for his friend.
The neighbor heard the barking, and came to comfort the big yellow dog, "Do not worry. The old fisherman called me. He caught a mackerel when fishing, but a dolphin had bitten the mackerel, so the dolphin was also hooked. He heard that the old dolphin at the aquarium that the kids had adored had passed away, so he wanted to bring the new dolphin to the aquarium as a gift for the kids. He would be home late."
After hearing this news, the big yellow dog ran to the fishing pier. He had seen the old fisherman bring many different kinds of fish back to the pier; some of the big ones weighed hundreds of pounds, but he had never seen him catch a dolphin. The big yellow dog couldn’t wait to see this dolphin.
At the fishing pier, a young fisherman was preparing his boat to go out fishing. The big yellow dog jumped into the young fisherman’s boat and barked pleadingly at him.
The young fisherman knew the big yellow dog. He had also heard that the old fisherman had caught a dolphin, and knew the big yellow dog wanted to see it. He said to the big yellow dog, "I'll take you to search for the old fisherman out at sea, and we may even be able to help him." The big yellow dog detected the old fisherman’s scent and barked in that direction. The young fisherman drove the boat at full speed in the direction the big yellow dog barked toward.
Not too long after, the young fisherman found the old fisherman's boat. The old fisherman had spent most of the day struggling with the dolphin. He was exhausted, and the boat engine was out of fuel. There was a thick fishing rod in the back of the boat. It was pulled tight like a bow. The old fisherman was rowing hard with every remaining ounce of his strength, dragging the tired dolphin slowly back to the harbor. The big yellow dog saw the old fisherman and the dolphin with half of his body exposed above the sea water. He began barking excitedly.
The dolphin had neither seen a dog, nor heard dogs bark before. He was scared and started to struggle mightily, dragging the old fisherman's boat back towards the deep sea. The young fisherman quickly patted the big yellow dog's back, and said, "Do not bark. The more you bark, the more afraid the dolphin becomes, and the more he will try to swim to the deep sea, then the old fisherman will not be able to bring the dolphin to shore." The big yellow dog quieted down immediately.
The young fishermen tied his boat and the old fisherman's boat together and used his boat engine to drive both boats and the dolphin inland. He returned to the fishing pier soon afterwards. The big yellow dog barked emphatically, causing the dolphin to struggle once again. The fishing line snapped and the dolphin swam towards the deep sea, never to be seen again.
The big yellow dog realized that he had made a mistake, and looked at the old fisherman with his big sad eyes. The old fisherman patted the big yellow dog’s head and said, "My old friend, do not be sad, the dolphin enjoys his freedom in the sea, it is probably best we let him go."
资深跨国教育及文化咨询师。曾在纽约市举世闻名的K-12年制道尔顿学校(The Dalton School)任教多年,并曾任美国名校纽约大学(NYU)的客座教授。上海外国语学院,对外汉语系肄业;美国明德大学(Middlebury College),经济学及日本文学文学双学士;美国马里兰大学商学院(University of Maryland)工商管理硕士。
英文名:Michael Zhang,男,7岁,就读于Sammamish 地区的Mcauliffe 小学一年级。喜爱阅读,运动、弹钢琴和Mine craft游戏。