




故事文稿是基於惠言先生前幾年在《世界日報》上發表的故事修改的,中美兩地34個孩子們參加了插畫稿創作,上海五里橋文化中心張煒瑋主任組織「音之魅」誦讀沙龍的語言藝術家們創作了9個朗誦作品。希望這些生動有趣的故事、童趣洋溢的圖畫和美妙的朗誦藝術作品,能伴隨孩子們度過新冠疫情這個困難時期。對此,我們向惠言先生;英文稿的校閱者Jason Kenny先生和趙蒙皓女士;上海五里橋文化中心及「音之魅」誦讀沙龍語言藝術家們;參與畫稿創作的孩子們及其家長表示衷心感謝!


16.蚯 蚓 和 蜻 蜓

The Earthworm and the Dragonfly

文: 惠言
畫: 徐書楷 (10歲,圖1-9)沈櫻姿 (9歲,圖10-18)
英文校閱: Jason Kenny & 趙蒙皓
中文朗誦: 許道倩
英文朗誦: Chen Yang(楊晨)




One summer evening, it was muggy and hot. An area of dark clouds over the ridge of western hills was outlined beautifully by the golden sun.


A blue dragonfly was flying close to the lake』s surface. Her thin and transparent wings were colorful under the sunlight. She lowered her abdomen from time to time to let her tail touch the water and quickly lay her eggs. The dragonfly deposited all her eggs and was hungry from the effort. Then she hovered over a swampy area near the lake, using her round and drum shaped eyes to search for a fly in the air to eat.

窪地里長滿了各種野草,盛開著各色野花。蜻蜓看到有隻蒼蠅,正向一叢長滿鋸齒形葉片的植物飛去,就跟蹤追捕。沒想到,這是一叢捕蠅草(Venus Flytrap)。捕蠅草感受到蒼蠅飛落葉中,迅速合攏葉片,夾住了緊隨其後的蜻蜓的翅膀。蜻蜓拚命掙脫,傷了翅膀,掉到地上。

There were plentiful weeds and blooming colorful flowers in the low-lying areas. The dragonfly saw a fly approaching a clump of serrated plants and followed. Unexpectedly, these plants turned out to be Venus flytraps. The Venus flytrap』s rapidly closing blades caught the dragonfly』s wings when it happened to land on it. The dragonfly desperately tried to break free, breaking one wing in the process and eventually fell to the ground.


An earthworm came out from the soil at this time and saw the dragonfly. He was curious and went over to greet her, “Madame Dragonfly, you are a rare guest, and not one often seen here on the ground.」 The dragonfly gloomily replied, “My wing was injured and I cannot fly”. The earthworm saw that one of the dragonfly』s wings appeared to be slightly drooping and inquired, “What can I help you with?”
The dragonfly sadly replied, “My wing is only slightly injured. I just need to rest for one or two days and should be fully recovered. I think it』s going to rain. If I should get caught in the rain, and have to go without food, I might die this very evening from the cold. I』m very hungry now; can you possibly help me get something to eat?”

蚯蚓聽後,安慰蜻蜓說:「別急,我現在就去給你拿些吃的,馬上回來。」不一會兒, 蚯蚓尾部卷著一些腐爛的樹葉草根回來了。蜻蜓一看,哭笑不得地說:「難得你熱心腸,可是我不吃這些東西,我吃新鮮小飛蟲。」 蜻蜓覺得蚯蚓心腸雖好,但是抓不了飛蟲,幫不了忙,就哭起來。

The earthworm felt for the dragonfly and wanted to comfort her, “Don’t worry, I’ll get you something to eat right now and will return soon.” The earthworm rolled up some decayed leaves of grass and roots and returned. The dragonfly looked at this offering, smiled bitterly and said, “You are very sincere in your attempt, but I don’t eat this type of food. I prefer to eat fresh, small flying insects.” The dragonfly thought the earthworm was nice to help, but would not be able to catch her flies. She felt helpless and began to cry.


Thick, dark storm clouds appeared in the sky followed by a bright flash and a loud sound from thunder. Heavy rains would soon pour down. The earthworm found several curved leaves and inserted the ends of the leaves into the soil in an arch to create a leaf tent on top of the dragonfly, so that she would not get wet.


The dragonfly watched the earthworm make the shelter from the leaves and began to feel safer. She stopped crying. After the leaf tent was completed, the earthworm started to think, 「How can I catch small flying insects for the dragonfly to eat?」 He thought and thought, and suddenly, he was reminded that he had occasionally encountered an ant house when digging holes. He had seen the ants collecting small flying insects in their house sometimes.


The earthworm and the ants were close neighbors. Sometimes the ants used worm holes to expand their home and had always treated each other in a friendly manner. The earthworm said to the dragonfly, “I’ve got an idea. I will go to the ant』s house to beg for some small flying insects for you.”


The dragonfly knew the ants were small, but very aggressive. She had seen the ant clusters attacking injured insects in order to eat them. The dragonfly had always kept a safe distance from the ants after seeing this. After hearing the earthworm』s plan to ask the ants for help, the dragonfly feared that it might be too dangerous. She tried to stop the earthworm from leaving, but he had already dug into the earth and was on his way to the ants.


The earthworm arrived at the ant home and proceeded to explain the reason for his visit to the soldiers who were guarding the ant home. The ant soldiers took him to their Queen. The Queen listened to what the earthworm came to ask for and responded without any hesitation, “You are my good friend, and so caring that I will do this favor for you.” The Queen arranged for more than ten ant workers to collect some fresh small flies and sent them off with the earthworm.


The dragonfly was uneasy when she saw the earthworm return, followed by a long line of ants. The dragonfly feared an ant attack since she couldn』t fly to safety. She struggled to get up. The earthworm quickly stepped forward to stop the dragonfly from moving and told her, “The ants are my good friends and have helped to bring you some small flying insects.” The dragonfly heard this and became very happy. Then she enjoyed the delicious meal brought by the ants.


The thunderstorm passed quickly and the dragonfly slept comfortably in the tent made of leaves. She woke up the next morning and found that the earthworm was still waiting on the side, which was very touching. The injured wing of the dragonfly was now straight so she vibrated her wings and flew up into the sky.


The dragonfly flew back to the ground and was very grateful to the earthworm, “Thank you very much for your selfless act of helping me when I was most in need. Please give my thanks to the ants that also came to my aid so generously. The earthworm smiled and replied, “Not at all. I』m also very happy to help you. Every creature has its use in the world. We live in the same global village. How could I not try to save one in need! ”


It was time to leave. The dragonfly recommended to the earthworm, “I』m very sensitive to the weather. I have a hunch that there will be storms in the coming days. You inhabit the depressions which may be submerged by flooding. You and the ants should move as soon as possible to higher ground, so as to avoid disaster.” The earthworm agreed with the dragonfly』s premonition. He quickly told the Queen. The Queen said she had the same hunch and prepared to move. Thus they both moved to higher ground immediately.


After the dragonfly went away, a few days of rain followed, and caused the lake to overflow and the low-lying areas became a small pond. The earthworm thought, 『Because we followed the advice of the dragonfly, we avoided becoming fish food. It seems that helping others is also helping yourself.』

蚯蚓和蜻蜓 徐書楷 (10歲)





資深跨國教育及文化諮詢師。曾在紐約市舉世聞名的K-12年制道爾頓學校(The Dalton School)任教多年,並曾任美國名校紐約大學(NYU)的客座教授。上海外國語學院,對外漢語系肄業;美國明德大學(Middlebury College),經濟學及日本文學文學雙學士;美國馬里蘭大學商學院(University of Maryland)工商管理碩士。


男,10歲,在美國新澤西州出生。自小喜歡畫畫。2018年5月,參加了全美保護瀕危物種青少年繪畫大賽(Saving Endangered Species Youth Art Contest ),獲得3-5年級組第一名。2018年6月,在美國奈得史密斯自然與藝術中心(Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art)舉辦的全國青少年繪畫比賽中獲得3-5年級組第2名,作品在藝術中心展出一年。






英文名:Chen Yang,女,13歲,在Westfield Edison Intermediate School上8年級。性格開朗,喜歡打球和拉琴,以及給小朋友講故事,當老師。

本文由【大紐約生活網 GNYLife.com】獨家約稿、原創。原創作品未經授權,嚴禁轉載,否則追究法律責任。免責聲明:觀點僅代表作者本人立場。部分圖片取自網路,版權屬於原作者。




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