






The Hunter and the Golden Eagle

文: 惠言
畫: 黃子墨 (9歲,圖1-7,11)徐書楷 (12歲,圖8-10,12)
英文校閱: Jason Kenny & 趙蒙皓
中文朗誦: 梁大為
英文朗誦: Stephanie Wang(王思怡)




Long ago, there lived a hunter in a poor, remote mountain village. The hunter was a skilled archer, and he always shared his catch with his neighbors if it was large,especially with those in need. All the villagers praised him for his generosity.


Early one morning, the hunter went hunting in a valley. He went halfway up the mountain, stood on a rocky ledge that jutted out over the valley, and survey the area. He saw that the valley had very little vegetation, but numerous rocks of all shapes and sizes scattered all around. There was a small stream at the bottom of the valley. Slowly the hunter descended along a small path that led into the valley, looking for prey. The hunter searched for nearly half of the day no avail. By the time he came to the river he was hot and thirsty, so he scooped up the clear fresh water with his hands and drank it. After drinking the water, the hunter washed his face and then looked up at the sky. It was a beautiful day. The sun shone bright in the sky with white fluffy clouds. As he looked up, a particular bird caught his eye. An eagle was gliding along, riding the wind with its open wings. Enviously the hunter thought: “It would be wonderful if I could fly like that eagle so that I could spot prey easily.”


Suddenly, the hunter saw the eagle fold its wings and dive down towards the ground. The eagle’s sharp eyes had seen a read and black striped snake slithering along the river bank. The eagle did not realize that as he hurtled towards the ground his shadow passed over the snake. The snake was startled by the sudden darkness and it quickly slithered beneath a large rock. The eagle tried to flip the rock over with his feet, but the rock wouldn』t budge. All the eagle could do was wait.


After a long time, the snake didn』t feel any movement so he peeked out and looked around. The eagle patiently waited on top of the rock for his chance, and he quickly sank his beak into the snake’s neck, pulled the snake out of the crack, and held the snake down with his sharp talons. The snake struggled desperately, wrapping its strong tail around the eagle’s wings, and at the same time turned its head to bite the eagle’s leg. The eagle』s wings were held down by the snake, so he couldn』t fly. The eagle tried to stumble away, but his leg was bitten by the snake. In his weakened state the eagle was no match for the snake, which rose up to deal the killing blow.


The hunter who had been observing this thrilling scene then took pity on the eagle. He quickly shot an arrow, which hit the head of the snake, killing it instantly. The hunter then picked up the wounded eagle, squeezed out as much of the poison as he could from the eagle’s wound, and applied the herbs that he carried with him on the wound. He brought the unconscious eagle and the dead snake home. On the way back, the hunter carefully examined the wounded eagle and realized that it was a young golden eagle. No wonder he had failed to kill the snake and was bitten instead. After arriving home, the hunter poured some medicine soup into the eagle’s mouth. After a while, the eagle woke up and the hunter fed him some fresh snake meat. A few days later, the young eagle was fully recovered.


The hunter took the eagle to the valley where he was hunting last time and set him free. The eagle circled around then flew back and landed on the hunter’s shoulder. He pleaded with the hunter, “You saved my life, so you are my master now. Let me help you with your hunting!” The hunter laughed and said, “It』s no big deal, not worth mentioning.” The hunter released the eagle again, but the eagle still didn』t leave. The hunter took the eagle home and painstakingly trained him to hunt. A few months later, the eagle became a full grown, well-trained and strong golden eagle.


The hunter took the eagle to the valley which was its familiar hunting ground. The hunter raised up the eagle, which was perched on his leather covered right hand and said “Go ahead, it』s up to you now.” After those words, the hunter uttered a loud whistle and released the bird into the sky. The eagle took a quick turn then flew straight toward the beach. Soon it came back with a dead snake in its talons. The hunter examined the dead snake carefully and noticed that its head had been smashed by the eagle’s sharp beak. He praised him: “Good job, you know how to catch a snake now.” The golden eagle said proudly, “I got my revenge.”


One day, the hunter came to a prairie and saw a pheasant flying out of the grass. The hunter pointed his arm towards the pheasant, and the eagle swooped at the pheasant like an arrow, caught it in his claws and brought it back to the hunter.


Sometimes the hunter would release the eagle to survey the area. When the eagle saw big prey such as a gray wolf, wild boar or deer, he would circle above it and indicate the direction for the hunter. The eagle was a great help to the hunter. The hunter was fully loaded after every hunt, and he rewarded the eagle with his favorite meat. The extra prey was shared with the poor villagers.


More than ten years had passed, the hunter was getting old and his hands and feet were not as flexible as they used to be. One day, the hunter was charged by a wild boar he had wounded with an arrow. The hunter was not quick enough to dodge and was knocked down by the wild boar. Just as the wild boar was about to bite the hunter, the eagle dived down and sunk its sharp claws into the wild boar’s eyes. The blind wild boar ran around aimlessly and finally fell dead. When the eagle saw that the hunter’s leg was stabbed by the wild boar’s tusks and could not walk, he immediately flew back to the village and led the villagers to take the hunter home. During the hunter』s rehabilitation, the eagle hunted alone to ensure that the hunter had enough food.


The hunter and the eagle lived together like father and son. After another ten years, the old hunter fell ill. On his deathbed, the hunter stroked the eagle’s wings and said, “Thank you for being by my side all these years. After I die, you should return to mother nature.” The eagle bowed his head and did not speak. He watched the old hunter close his eyes for the last time. The villagers buried the hunter on a hill beside the village. The eagle stood by the grave, refusing any food and water. Three days later, the villagers found the eagle』s body lying beside the grave. The villagers buried the eagle beside the hunter. They erected a gravestone for them. On the gravestone a picture was carved of the hunter holding the golden eagle. Along with the picture were the following words: “Here rest the beloved hunter and his lifetime friend the golden eagle.”

獵人和獵鷹 徐書楷畫 





資深跨國教育及文化諮詢師。曾在紐約市舉世聞名的K-12年制道爾頓學校(The Dalton School)任教多年,並曾任美國名校紐約大學(NYU)的客座教授。上海外國語學院,對外漢語系肄業;美國明德大學(Middlebury College),經濟學及日本文學文學雙學士;美國馬里蘭大學商學院(University of Maryland)工商管理碩士。




男,今年12歲,在美國新澤西州出生。自小喜歡畫畫。2018年5月,參加了全美保護瀕危物種青少年繪畫大賽(Saving Endangered Species Youth Art Contest ),獲得3-5年級組第一名。2018年6月,在美國奈得史密斯自然與藝術中心(Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art)舉辦的全國青少年繪畫比賽中獲得3-5年級組第2名,作品在藝術中心展出一年。




英文名:Stephanie Wang,女,13歲,在Westfield Edison Intermediate School上7年級。喜歡二胡、他、大提琴、排球。




英文名: Katie Purse,女,時年11歲,出生於美國新澤西,喜歡閱讀、畫畫、籃球、網球、鋼琴和縫紉,喜歡歷史。





英文名Jessica Zhou,女,9歲。美國新澤西州的Westfield,就讀於Washington Elementary School。開學後我將要上四年級。我從小就很喜歡畫畫。畫作每年都被選入鎮上的美術展廳並獲獎。








鳴 謝


二、英文校核:Jason Kenny & 趙蒙皓


丁博睿、沈樂佳、李可心、郎  予、張子沁、王瀟儀、趙燕和、陳思冰、周天翼、周思可、蔣可瑜、高上騏、范乃祺、諸明宏、張語吟、鄭高馨、   蔣可瑜、高上騏、顏逸茹、朱靖軒、汪友豪、虞  琛、虞  躍、虞梓軒、蔣懿楚、王紫玄、陳與曦、趙若涵、劉子祺、馬捷凱、徐書楷、沈櫻姿、  虞欣燦、馮佳欣、黃子墨    

指導老師:「我繪藝術教育」 邵玲 ;「呈彩苑藝術」 程雯







趙燕和、周司可、高上騏、徐若一、徐溫惠、武禹彤、劉嘉樂、汪友豪、汪友桐、林伊娃、張譽曦、宋浩陽、閔金珠、楊 晨、林允川、舒施佳麗、許以開、張澤遙、王思怡、



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