




故事文稿是基於惠言先生前幾年在《世界日報》上發表的故事修改的,中美兩地34個孩子們參加了插畫稿創作,上海五里橋文化中心張煒瑋主任組織「音之魅」誦讀沙龍的語言藝術家們創作了9個朗誦作品。希望這些生動有趣的故事、童趣洋溢的圖畫和美妙的朗誦藝術作品,能伴隨孩子們度過新冠疫情這個困難時期。對此,我們向惠言先生;英文稿的校閱者Jason Kenny先生和趙蒙皓女士;上海五里橋文化中心及「音之魅」誦讀沙龍語言藝術家們;參與畫稿創作的孩子們及其家長表示衷心感謝!



The Fox, the Rabbit and the Squirrel

文: 惠言
畫: Cecilia Chen(陳與曦)(9歲,圖1-5)趙若涵(8歲,圖6-9)
英文校閱: Jason Kenny & 趙蒙皓
中文朗誦: 陳偉民
英文朗誦: Annabella Miin(閔金珠)




In the dense pine forest lived a family of squirrels. Within that forest, there was a meadow covered with blooming flowers. A rabbit lived in that meadow.


One day, a fox came to the pine forest. When he saw the rabbit jumping around, his instinct was to catch it. When the rabbit realized that the fox was closing in, it quickly ran into a mud hole. The fox rushed over and started to dig the hole with his claws. But he didn’t know that the mud hole was very long and had several exits. The rabbit escaped from the one of the exits, which was covered with grass. The fox tried to chase the rabbit again, but he couldn』t catch up. The fox was angry and hungry.


Right then, the fox saw a squirrel who was on the ground not far away. The squirrel was watching the fox hunting for the rabbit. The fox thought it might be good to grab a squirrel as a snack. The fox jumped over toward the squirrel, but the squirrel quickly climbed up a pine tree. The fox could not climb the tree, so he looked on helplessly at the squirrel in the tree and then decided to leave.


The squirrel told his brothers and sisters about the fox chasing the rabbit and then harassing him. The squirrel felt that since the fox did not catch the rabbit, it would not be dissuaded and would come back again. They wanted to find a way to help the rabbit to get rid of the fox. They discussed and came up with a plan.


Early next morning, the squirrels rushed to find the rabbit and told him about their plan. After listening to the squirrels, the rabbit thought it was a good idea. He immediately worked with the squirrels and made the necessary preparations.


At noon, the fox showed up as expected. When the rabbit saw the fox, it started to run. The fox chased right after him. This time, the rabbit changed its escape course. He went straight to the pine forest and hid in the hole near the root of a pine tree. The fox thought that the tree hole would not be as long as the mud hole. He stretched a paw into the tree hole trying to catch the rabbit. The rabbit quickly picked up a fork-shaped tree branch, which was placed in the hole in advance and pinned the fox’s paw firmly in the hole. The fox tried all his might but still couldn』t pull out his paw and get away.


At this moment, the squirrels, who were hiding in the pine trees, started throwing pine cones at the fox. The fox yelped with pain and struggled frantically, soon he was exhausted and fell onto the ground.


All the squirrels came down to the ground and surrounded the fox holding large pine cones in their hands. They were about to throw those pine cones at the fox again. The sly fox knew that was not a good sign and asked for mercy: “Please let me go, I will never hunt you again.” The squirrels warned the fox: “If you come again, you will be sorry.” The fox sighed: “I know. I won’t come again.”


Right then, the squirrel told the rabbit to remove the tree branch. The fox pulled out his injured paw and limped away. The rabbit got out of the tree hole and hugged all the squirrels. And he declared with excitement: “That was awesome! Team work trumps working alone! Thank you for helping me drive the fox away.”





資深跨國教育及文化諮詢師。曾在紐約市舉世聞名的K-12年制道爾頓學校(The Dalton School)任教多年,並曾任美國名校紐約大學(NYU)的客座教授。上海外國語學院,對外漢語系肄業;美國明德大學(Middlebury College),經濟學及日本文學文學雙學士;美國馬里蘭大學商學院(University of Maryland)工商管理碩士。


英文名:Cecilia Chen, 女,時年9歲。就讀於Rockenbaugh Elementary School, Southlake, Texas。 開學升四年級。我興趣愛好廣泛,平時喜歡看書,畫畫,游泳,高爾夫。多次參加州內,以及全國畫畫和鋼琴比賽,並取得好成績。


趙若涵,女,時年8歲,就讀於餘姚市世南小學二年級。特別喜歡安靜地畫畫,5歲開始學習畫畫。 2016年我參加ICAA第七屆國際少兒書畫大賽並獲得銅獎。



Annabella Miin

中文名:閔金珠,12歲,就讀於Redwood Middle School, Saratoga, California, 7年級,喜歡唱歌、鋼琴、芭蕾舞和數學。




The Butterfly and the Kitten



英文校閱:Jason Kenny & 趙蒙皓

中文朗誦: 童國雄

英文朗誦: Emma Wang (汪友桐)




Spring was here. The sun was bright, and the wind was calm. Flowers were in full bloom in the garden. A fluffy kitten with black and white fur was lying down lazily on the grass under the sun with her eyes half closed, smelling the fragrant air.


All of a sudden, the kitten saw a beautiful red butterfly with black stripes flying into the garden. The kitten became very excited. When the butterfly settled on a flower to drink some nectar, the kitten crept up close to the butterfly. Just when the kitten was about to pounce on her, the butterfly became alarmed and started to fly up. She chided the kitten angrily, “Why do you try to catch me?”


The kitten responded with a playful smile, “No, I just wanted to play with you.” The butterfly』s anger turned to delight. “What do you want to play?” the butterfly asked. “Let』s play hide and seek, to see who has better eyesight.” the kitten replied. The butterfly said, “Ok, since it is your idea, I get to hide first. Close your eyes, count to 10, and then come look for me.”


While the kitten closed his eyes, the butterfly quickly flew to a red peony flower, and hid inside the big red flower petals. The kitten looked for the butterfly on the ground first, but could not find her. Then she climbed up the tree. She saw the colorful garden, but still could not find the red butterfly.


The kitten was discouraged and got back down to the ground. After searching for a long time in the trees and flowers, the kitten got a bit of an itch on her back. She saw a thick trunk of peony nearby so she leaned against the trunk and used it to rub her back, shaking the flowers. The butterfly thought that the kitten had found her and flew out. The kitten saw the butterfly and exclaimed, “Wow, you were hiding here? It』s so hard for me to find you, but I won.” The butterfly regretted not having patience and losing the game.


The kitten then said, “Now it’s your turn to find me.” While the butterfly closed her eyes, the kitten hid in a cave under a big rock.


The butterfly flew up into the sky and looked down. She quickly found the kitten』s tail swishing outside the cave. She quietly flew to the tip of the kitten’s tail, and gently touched its hair. The kitten felt an itch on her tail, turned her head and saw the butterfly sitting on her tail. She had to admit defeat.


One to one, it was a tie. The butterfly announced, “It』s my turn to hide again.” The kitten immediately offered, “Oh no, there is no need for more contests, beautiful butterfly. I found you because of sheer luck, not because I saw you with good eyesight. You can fly high and see far. That is real ability.”


The butterfly shook her head and told the kitten the secret, “You didn’t find me because I used camouflage, not because you cannot see well. I found you because you were careless. You are just like the ostrich; you hid your head in the cave, but kept the tail exposed. If you hid in the cave, and tucked in your tail, I would not be able to see you from the sky even if my eyesight was superior.”





資深跨國教育及文化諮詢師。曾在紐約市舉世聞名的K-12年制道爾頓學校(The Dalton School)任教多年,並曾任美國名校紐約大學(NYU)的客座教授。上海外國語學院,對外漢語系肄業;美國明德大學(Middlebury College),經濟學及日本文學文學雙學士;美國馬里蘭大學商學院(University of Maryland)工商管理碩士。


男,時年9歲,就讀於慈溪市第二實驗小學三(四)班。最喜歡畫畫,畫畫讓我快樂,畫畫讓我創想無限,通過畫畫能夠實現我現實中無法實現的夢想! 繪畫指導:「我繪藝術教育」邵玲老師






英文名:Emma Wang,女,8歲,在Westfield Jefferson小學上二年級。喜歡打冰球、踢足球、畫畫、彈鋼琴和閱讀。長大後想做一名老師。藝術作品多次在學區藝術展上展出。

本文由【大紐約生活網 GNYLife.com】獨家約稿、原創。原創作品未經授權,嚴禁轉載,否則追究法律責任。免責聲明:觀點僅代表作者本人立場。部分圖片取自網路,版權屬於原作者。




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