




故事文稿是基於惠言先生前幾年在《世界日報》上發表的故事修改的,中美兩地34個孩子們參加了插畫稿創作,上海五里橋文化中心張煒瑋主任組織「音之魅」誦讀沙龍的語言藝術家們創作了9個朗誦作品。希望這些生動有趣的故事、童趣洋溢的圖畫和美妙的朗誦藝術作品,能伴隨孩子們度過新冠疫情這個困難時期。對此,我們向惠言先生;英文稿的校閱者Jason Kenny先生和趙蒙皓女士;上海五里橋文化中心及「音之魅」誦讀沙龍語言藝術家們;參與畫稿創作的孩子們及其家長表示衷心感謝!


9. 毛 毛 和 小 魚

Maomao and the Small Fish

文: 惠言
畫: 羅婧聞(10歲,圖1-5)陳汶露(10歲,圖6-9)
英文校閱: Jason Kenny & 趙蒙皓
中文朗誦: 徐建青
英文朗誦: Charlotte Liu (劉嘉樂)




There once was a boy named Maomao. One day, Maomao and his grandpa went fishing by the lakeshore. After he cast out his fishing line, Maomao looked around. Near the shore, there was a hill covered with wild roses whose sweet scent attracted many buzzing bees. Maomao was afraid of the bees, so he turned his eyes to the lake instead. The lake side was covered by golden Gladiolus. He found that there were many tiny little fish swimming by the edge of the lake.


Maomao quickly put down his fishing rod and picked up his fishing net to catch the small fish. He thrust the net into the water and brought it out, and looked into it hopefully. Alas, because the holes between the strings of the net were too big, most of the fish got away, only two small fish, along with some water grass remained. He put those two fish into a bucket. Looking at the two fish swim around in the bucket, he decided to take them home to keep as pets. Maomao had no interest to fish any longer. He begged his grandpa to go home.


After they got home, Maomao put the fish into a glass fish bowl along with the water grass. Every evening after he finished his homework, Maomao would give his fish some yummy fish food, and watch them swim gracefully around. Sometimes, he would gently tap the bowl with his fingers, and speak softly to the fish.


The fish seemed to have understood his words and gestures, and would kiss his fingers from inside the glass. They would follow the direction of his fingers and swim from one end of the fish bowl to the other end. Whenever Maomao was playing with the fish, he was always very happy.

就這樣過了一年,小魚長大了。有一天,當毛毛餵魚時,發現小魚不像往常那樣興奮地向他游來,他就關心地問小魚:「怎麼啦?不舒服嗎?」他驚奇地發現小魚搖了搖頭。於是他接著問:「沒吃飽嗎?」 小魚又搖搖頭。他忽然想起自己外出旅遊久了會想家,就問:「是不是想家了?」小魚居然點點頭。

A year passed and the little fish had grown up. One day, when Maomao went to feed the fish, he found that they were not as excited as usual. He asked the fish with great concern, “What’s wrong? Are you not comfortable?” He was surprised to find that the fish shook their heads. Then he asked, “Are you hungry?” The fish shook their heads again. He suddenly realized that they might be homesick. He remembered being homesick after traveling for a while, so he asked them, “Are you homesick?” The fish nodded.


Maomao smiled and said to the fish, “It seems that you like your home just as much as I like mine. Well, I will put you back in the lake in a few days, but I will miss you very much because you have been such good friends to me for so long.”

到了放生的那天,孩子驚喜地發現魚缸里多出一群小魚苗。啊,原來這兩條長大了的小魚當爸爸媽媽了,怪不得他們想要回家。當毛毛正準備把魚缸里所有的魚倒進放生用的水桶時,他驚訝地聽到魚媽媽開口說: 「謝謝你精心照料我們,為了不讓你寂寞,請留下兩個我們的孩子陪伴你。」

On the day of release, Maomao was surprised to find there were some fries in the fish bowl along with the other two fish. The two grown-up fish had become parents! No wonder they wanted to go home. When Maomao was just about to pour all the fish into the bucket and take them to the lake, he was surprised to hear the mother fish saying, “Thank you for taking such good care of us. Please keep a couple of our children to keep you company, and raise them like you did with us.”

Gratefully Maomao accepted the fish’s kindness; he kept two fries in the fish bowl and carefully released the rest of the fish back into the lake.


Another year passed and Maomao had grown up. Knowing that it was almost the breeding season of the fish, Maomao put the two small fish back into the lake ahead of time. Just before releasing them Maomao said, “Thank you for growing up with me. When you see your Mom and Dad, please say hello to them for me.”





資深跨國教育及文化諮詢師。曾在紐約市舉世聞名的K-12年制道爾頓學校(The Dalton School)任教多年,並曾任美國名校紐約大學(NYU)的客座教授。上海外國語學院,對外漢語系肄業;美國明德大學(Middlebury College),經濟學及日本文學文學雙學士;美國馬里蘭大學商學院(University of Maryland)工商管理碩士。


羅婧聞,女,時年10歲,就讀於浙江慈溪市慈吉小學五年級。我喜歡畫畫。 機緣湊巧,參與《毛毛和小魚》的插畫創造。故事中的主人公將小魚捕捉回家放魚缸里餵養,最後又親手將養大的魚兒放歸自然。






劉嘉樂,英文名:Charlotte Liu,現在就讀西域Edison中學初中部(7年級),愛好排球和旅遊。

本文由【大紐約生活網 GNYLife.com】獨家約稿、原創。原創作品未經授權,嚴禁轉載,否則追究法律責任。免責聲明:觀點僅代表作者本人立場。部分圖片取自網路,版權屬於原作者。




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