


9月份房東的租賃拖欠率從8月份的55%下降到48%。另外,9月是連續第三個月,現在有空房不招租的房東多於有空房仍招租的房東。 即使在收取了當月所有租金的房東中,也有超過三分之一的人打算在單位空置時不出租。當問及仍然有房客的房東時,如果有空房時會否不招租,則只有41%的房東有此意圖。

據法庭數據,紐約市上月房屋法庭立1243案,並判1284案。這比8月份的3200案大幅下降。此外,五區的三區判案多於立案。皇后區判案218, 布魯克林判案463件和立案393件,史坦頓島47件和32件。相反,9月份商業案件判少立多。





September rent delinquency rate among the landlords decreased to 48%, from August』s 55%. Furthermore, September is the third consecutive month where there are more landlords who are actually not leasing their vacant units than those who are leasing their vacant units. Even among the landlords who collected all the rent for the month, more than one third of them intend not to lease should a unit become vacant. However, when asked to all landlords, with or without vacant units, if they intend to keep their units off the leasing market should they have a vacant unit, close to half (41%) of them state that intent.
According to the Office of Court Administration, New York City had 1243 residential cases filed and adjudicated 1284 cases last month in the housing courts. This is a significant drop of filed cases than the 3200 in August. In addition, three of the five boroughs resolved more cases than filed. Queens resolved 218 and had 107 filed. Brooklyn had resolved 463 and had 393 filed, and Staten Island 47 and 32. On the contrary, commercial cases are getting accumulated instead in September.
When asked if the legal crisis in the residential rental market is reaching its end, Roy Ho of poagny.com says that 「it is too early to reach this conclusion. If we are truly over the crisis, we should observe that the real estate transaction should be back to some kind of normalcy. On the very contrary, the real estate market has reached a sudden drop in transactions. September has the third fewest single-family transactions, at 1253, in the last 18 years』 Septembers (i.e. since 2003), even fewer than 2020 and 497 fewer transactions than August 2020, next to 2010 and 2011.」 NYC recorded the second fewest transactions in two-family, three family and four-to-ten unit transactions as well since 2003, next to 2010, and fewer than August.
He reasons that this sudden drop of transactions may be due a variety of reasons, such as the resurgence of COVID in the late summer, sudden drop of consumer confidence in the economic releases or newly recognized inflation, not to mention the possibility of the continual legal risk in the rental market being permeated to the single-family market as well.

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