




故事文稿是基於惠言先生前幾年在《世界日報》上發表的故事修改的,中美兩地34個孩子們參加了插畫稿創作,上海五里橋文化中心張煒瑋主任組織「音之魅」誦讀沙龍的語言藝術家們創作了9個朗誦作品。希望這些生動有趣的故事、童趣洋溢的圖畫和美妙的朗誦藝術作品,能伴隨孩子們度過新冠疫情這個困難時期。對此,我們向惠言先生;英文稿的校閱者Jason Kenny先生和趙蒙皓女士;上海五里橋文化中心及「音之魅」誦讀沙龍語言藝術家們;參與畫稿創作的孩子們及其家長表示衷心感謝!


7.貓 頭 鷹 和 貓

The Owl and the Cat

文: 惠言
畫: 鄭高馨(7歲,圖1-5)張語吟(10歲,圖6-9)
英文校閱: Jason Kenny & 趙蒙皓
中文朗誦: 童國雄
英文朗誦: Zoe Xu(徐若一)& Vivien Xu(徐溫惠)




The owl family lived in the hole of a tree in a mountain forest near the village. The mother cat lived in a nearby cave with her young cat that had just started to learn how to hunt.


One evening, under the bright moonlight and twinkling stars, the mother owl flew high in the sky.


She found two voles eating corn in a field. She also saw that the little cat was lurking in the bushes ready to strike.


The voles heard the sound of the little cat, and fled in separate directions. The owl saw the little cat chasing one vole, so she stretched her wings and pounced on the other. After picking up her prey, the owl was ready to go home. She suddenly heard the little cat ask her, “Great owl, can you please help me?”


The owl asked with concern, “What’s the matter? What can I do for you?” The little cat said, “I caught a vole, but I need two.” The owl was a little suspicious, “One fat vole should be enough for you to enjoy a wonderful meal.”The little cat explained, “My mom』s leg was injured so she could not hunt. I only caught one little mouse yesterday, which she let me eat. She will only eat herself if I bring two voles. My mother has been hungry for two days; I am very worried about her. I cannot catch two by myself, so I wonder if I can ask you to help me catch one more vole.”


The owl realized what was going on, “No wonder I hadn』t seen your mother for the past two days. It』s easy, you go home first. I’ll catch more voles and send two to you later.” The mother cat saw that her little cat had come back with a vole in his mouth and said happily, “You didn’t eat for a day and must be hungry. Go ahead and eat it right now.” The little cat said, “Mom, you eat first, you are hungrier than me, you didn’t eat for two days.” But the mother cat insisted that the little cat eat first. The little cat said, “I have asked the great owl to help me; she will send us more voles later. Please eat first.” The mother cat still insisted on her little cat eating first.

這時,貓頭鷹爪子上抓著一隻、嘴上叼著一隻田鼠飛進來。貓頭鷹把兩隻田鼠放到貓媽媽面前說:「小貓媽,孩子剛學狩獵,獵物自然少。可是你為了孩子挨餓,傷口就不容易好。以後我每天給你送食物,多吃點,傷口就好得快。」 小貓媽非常感激,藉機教育小貓說:「快謝謝貓頭鷹阿姨,我們要知恩圖報。」

At this moment, the owl flew in the cave with one vole in her beak and another vole in her claws. The owl put two voles in front of the mother cat, and said, “Mother cat, your child is just learning to hunt. It』s normal that he doesn』t catch many. But if you go hungry for the sake of your child, the wound would not be easy to heal. From now on I will bring you food every day. Eat more and you will recover faster.” The mother cat was very grateful and thought it was a teachable moment for her child. She turned to her little cat and said, “Hurry, thank the owl. We should always be grateful.”


The owl said, “Don』t mention it. Neighbors should help each other.” The owl pushed the vole caught by the little cat to him and praised him, “Good boy, what a sensible child. You know how to care for your wounded mother.”


The owl continued to bring all kinds of food over the next few days. The mother cat was no longer hungry and was quickly restored to health. Hunting with the mother cat, the little cat learned all the necessary skills. Since then, every spring when the owl entered the incubation period, she would find food brought there for her by the little cat.

《貓頭鷹和貓》 徐若一 畫(時年7歲)





資深跨國教育及文化諮詢師。曾在紐約市舉世聞名的K-12年制道爾頓學校(The Dalton School)任教多年,並曾任美國名校紐約大學(NYU)的客座教授。上海外國語學院,對外漢語系肄業;美國明德大學(Middlebury College),經濟學及日本文學文學雙學士;美國馬里蘭大學商學院(University of Maryland)工商管理碩士。








徐若一,女,今年10歲,在Jefferson小學讀五年級,自幼酷愛畫畫和唱歌,也喜歡游泳和羽毛球。畫畫作品曾在Westfield,District Art Show上多次展出。


徐溫惠,女,今年10歲,在Jefferson小學讀五年級,喜歡各種運動,比如游泳、滑雪和羽毛球,也喜歡做手工。畫畫作品曾在Westfield District Art Show上多次展出。

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