
反亞裔仇恨罪的備忘錄如何履行? 華裔組織力挺費城見義勇為華裔女生!


















11月17日,費城發生亞裔學生團體遭到另一非裔學生群體辱罵、圍毆、威脅等惡性事件。令人恐怖、擔憂、作嘔的殘忍視頻,在社交媒體廣泛流傳, 費城地區多個主流媒體均對事件進行了報道。





諸多維護正義的行為, 讓我們感覺到了華裔居民團結的力量,讓我們也體會到了正義將與善良的人同在,讓我們鼓勵華人能夠湧現出更多不畏強暴的英雄人物。




AACE Demands Effective Actions from the Federal and Local Governments To Address Rising Anti-Asian Violence and Hate Crimes

On November 22, 2021, Asian American Coalition for Education (AACE) released the following statement to demands effective actions from the federal and local governments to address rising anti-Asian violence and hate crimes:

「Asian American Coalition for Education is outraged by the rising violence and hate crime against Asian American students and other members of our community. We strongly denounce the brutal assault of Christina Lu in Philadelphia on November 17 by a group of racially motivated perpetrators, the heartless murder of Shaoxiong Zheng at the University of Chicago on November 9, and many anti-Asian crimes that have happened in New York City and around our nation.

On January 26, 2021, President Biden signed Memorandum Condemning and Combating Racism, Xenophobia, and Intolerance Against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States. However, this Memorandum was politically driven, narrowly focusing on President Trump』s use of words to describe COVID-19. It failed to address many root causes of the rising anti-Asian violence and hate crimes, such as defunding the police and irresponsible release of violent criminals during the pandemic.

As a result, on April 6, 2021, AACE sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Garland, urging the U.S. Department of Justice to take a non-partisan, holistic approach to effectively address the root causes behind rising violence, hate crimes and systemic racism against the Asian-American community.

Unfortunately, almost ten months after President Biden signed the Memorandum, the anti-Asian violence and hate crimes have not been controlled. Asian American communities continue to suffer from the rising violence and hate crimes against us. As a result, we strongly demand:

1、All local governments stop their irresponsible policies of defunding police or releasing violent criminals from jails.

2、In the cities where Asian Americans have been often harmed by anti-Asian violence and hate crimes, including but not limited to Philadelphia, Chicago, New York and great San Francisco metropolitan area, the municipal government should establish special task forces and take concrete actions to reduce crime and protect lives and properties of their Asian American communities.

3、The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) should report back to the Asian American community what specific actions it has taken or is planning to take to effectively protect the Asian American community. DOJ also needs to disclose how it uses the $30 million funding appropriated to reduce the anti-Asian violence and hate crimes.

4、DOJ should launch a hate crime investigation with the brutal assault of Christina Lu in Philadelphia, and prosecute the perpetrators under the federal hate crime law.

5、The Biden Administration should conduct a comprehensive non-partisan investigation of the rising violence and hate crimes against Asian American community, publish the findings and take actions to effectively address all of its root causes.」

When releasing the statement, AACE President, Mr. Yukong Mike Zhao said: 「It has been over 10 months since the Biden Administration vowed to combat anti-Asian hate crimes. Unfortunately, the hate crime and violence against Asian communities are still rising. Unfortunately, by narrowly focusing its efforts on the use of words describing COVID-19, the Biden Administration failed to address many major root causes behind such horrendous crimes, such as defunding police and irresponsible release of violent criminals. Asian community needs comprehensive and effective solutions now, not just politically driven lip service.」

Asian American Coalition for Education 

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