

美國新澤西政府大力支持,新州蜜豆郡的藝術歷史委員會(Middlesex County Office of Arts and History)主辦的,藝術家賈永紅老師和她的中興國劇社承辦的中國非物質文化遺產的國劇和文化藝術專場,受到中國和海外專業藝術家鼎力支持,將於 6月30在新澤西蜜豆郡向新州及周邊的紐約賓州的中美觀眾獻上一場別開生面的、沉澱著中華古老民族審美境界的、不同種類世界級非物質文化遺產穿越時間的視覺聽覺盛宴。本場演出將主要展示:
Sponsored by the Middlesex County Office of Arts and History in promoting multicultural arts and heritages, the Renaissance Chinese Opera Society, a nonprofit organization, is proud to travel back in time to debut sensational Sights and Sounds of Chinese Operas and other mind-blowing intangible Chinese cultural heritages to the Middlesex County College Theater on June 30th, 2018. The production is led by Master Yong-Hong Jia accompany support from various world-class Chinese opera professionals. This performance is specially designed to present a long history of highly developed Chinese art forms including excerpts from variety types of Chinese operas, which are based on regions, dialects, and local traditions. Audience will certainly appreciate the amazing vocal arts, unforgettable beauty, magic, and amazing spectacle richness of Chinese heritage art and culture.
一種優雅,代表著民族的驕傲; 一種從容,代表著自信的泉源。世界偉大的民族都有有一種高雅精緻到地表演藝術,深刻的表現那個民族的精神和心聲。如果說:希臘人有悲劇;義大利人有歌劇;俄國人有芭蕾;英國有莎士比亞戲劇的話,那麼有600年歷史的,來自於中國蘇州崑山的戲曲 – 崑曲,糅合了唱念做打、舞蹈及武術等,以曲詞典雅、行腔婉轉、表演細膩著稱,被譽為中國戲劇中的”百戲之祖”。2001年5月18日,被聯合國教科文組織宣布第一批”人類口頭和非物質文化遺產;2006年2月,中國國家博物館舉辦了崑曲非物質文化遺產展覽。
Kunqu Opera
Kunqu Opera was originated around 600 years ago from the Kunshan mountain, which is one of the oldest forms of Chinese opera. Every art form has a heartbeat of its own. Greece is known for Greek tragic-comedy, Italy has Italian Opera, Graceful Ballet from Russian, England has Shakespeare plays, and India is famous for Indian Sanskrit Opera. In China, Kunqu is often referred to as the “Ancestor of All Chinese Operas”. Kunqu has far-reaching influences on Chinese literature, stage performance, vocal art, music, dance and wushu. Since 2001, Kunqu has been recognized as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Peking Opera
Peking Opera is regarded as the quintessence of China. Peking Opera was developed from absorbing exquisite beauty of many other dramatic forms including Kunqu. The dramas are easier to understand, and the lyrics are more straightforward compare to Kunqu, but they still preserve the scholarly characteristics. Peking Opera is the most popular form of Chinese operas. Since 2010, Peking Opera has been recognized as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).


生長於藝術世家的馬德帆老師, 從小就與”墨”接上了緣。 馬老師 “墨上行走” 磅礴豪邁厚實,墨在紙上蜿蜒的變化和淋漓的潑灑,被藝術界稱為”先生”。她的《大話西遊3》創作的片頭題字,被導演劉鎮偉收藏。2017年電視劇《人民的名義》熱播中,片名”人民的名義” 五個大字端莊雄厚,帶有蒼茫歷史, 穿透人心凝結正義力量得到專家高度評價。如果說”墨的行走”是馬老師的激情,畢業於清華美術學院(原中央工藝美院)服裝設計系,當今著名的服裝設計師馬德帆老師,在職業上一絲不苟精益求精。她和眾多國家一級導演合作電影服裝設計,2010年被張藝謀導演選中為電影《山楂樹之戀》的服裝設計師。
“Strolling Calligraphy” presented by Master Ma DeFan.
Ms. Ma was raised in an artistic family. She has been deeply connected with Chinese Calligraphy at young age. Her passion in calligraphy with a unique body-size Chinese paint brush combined with elegant artistic movements carried Chinese calligraphy to a new level. Splashing the ink while strolling on a giant piece of paper to create beautiful artistic Chinese characters is highly regarded in the Calligraphy world than ever. In addition to her mastery in Calligraphy, Master Ma is also a famous costume designer in the Chinese movie world. Her creative design style has been featured in many hit Chinese films, including Director Zhang Yimou』s 2010 movie “Under the Hawthorn Tree”.


古老的故事,神同形態,以嚇唬入侵的野獸。川劇把”變臉”搬上舞台,用絕妙的技巧使它成為一門獨特的藝術文化,2005年列為非物質文化遺產。 在中國享有億萬觀眾的世界級著名的魔術大師李鵬先生,將魔術表演融入了中國傳統的變臉的藝術,在極短的瞬間變幻出不同的各色臉譜,使表演加大難度,被世界各國魔術師給與高度評價。
Sichuan Opera – “Magical Face Changes”
Face changing is the highlight of Sichuan Opera. It is said that ancient people painted their faces to drive away ferocious wild animals. Sichuan Opera absorbs this ancient skill and perfects it into an art. The performer can magically change masks in a blink of an eye. This ancient Chinese art or technique will be presented by world-class magician Master Li Peng, who will perform this mysterious art by raising his hand, swinging a sleeve or tossing the head, changing different masks instantaneously to show different emotions to the American audience.


是中國民間古老的傳統藝術。據史書記載,皮影戲始於西漢,興於唐朝,盛於清代,元代時期傳至西亞和歐洲,可謂歷史悠久,源遠流長。 2011年,中國皮影戲入選人類非物質文化遺產代表作名錄。
Chinese Shadow Puppetry
Chinese shadow puppetry is a form of theatre acted by colourful silhouette figures made from leather or paper and accompanied by music and singing. Manipulated by puppeteers using rods, the figures create the illusion of moving images on a translucent cloth screen illuminated from behind. Chinese shadow puppetry originated more than 2,000 years ago during the Han Dynasty. It became very popular during the Tang (618 – 907), Yuan (12711368), and Qing (16361912) dynasties, and also spread throughout Asia and Europe. Chinese Shadow Puppetry has been inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2011 by UNESCO.


About Artist Ms. Yong-Hong Jia
Ms. Yong-Hong Jia is a Chinese opera singer, an actress, and a teacher of performing arts. Ms. Jia started studying the vocal arts at age 13. She graduated from the Beijing Traditional Opera School, where she specialized in the Hua Dan (vivacious young girl) role. She performed throughout China in many major Kunqu productions. From 1991 to 1999, Ms. Jia engaged in various TV and movie productions. As a leading actress, she won many awards for her acting. Ms. Jia was invited by the New York Lincoln Center to perform in “The Peony Pavilion” production in 1999. Then, she toured with the troupe to perform worldwide. Ms. Jia and her Renaissance Chinese Opera Society was founded in New York City in 1984 as a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. It relocated to South Jersey with the missions to preserve and promote precious Chinese Opera heritage, and to introduce it to the multinational cultural mosaic of American life. Ms. Jia has actively participated in community services to perform Chinese opera and folk songs for many charitable organizations in different cities across North America.

時間 :2018年6月30日(星期六), 下午3:00 PM
地點: Middlesex County College
Performing Arts Center
2600 Woodbridge Ave.  Edison, NJ
本文由【大紐約生活網 GNYLife.com】獨家約稿,由 (By Kathy Wang & Ala 原文創作。原創作品未經授權,嚴禁轉載,否則追究法律責任。免責聲明:觀點僅代表作者本人立場。部分圖片取自網路,版權屬於原作者。






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