位于上西区的三一学校(Trinity School)不仅在该市的排名中名列前茅,而且在全美最佳私立学校中排名第六。学术上的卓越表现需要高昂的学费。根据三一学院的网站,该学院的学费接近6万美元。
布朗士瑞文戴尔乡村学校(Riverdale Country School)-52,575美元(61,305美元,包括书籍、用品、旅行和其他费用)
曼哈顿布里尔利学校(Brearley School)——5.87万美元
曼哈顿里吉斯高中(Regis High School)——0美元(根据它的网站,这所位于上东区的学校是美国唯一一所免学费的耶稣会高中)。
布朗士Horace Mann学校——42,940-59,800美元
而布朗士科学高中(Bronx High School of Science)是该市排名最高的公立学校,在所有高中里排名第16位。
Trinity School
Riverdale Country School
The Brearley School
Regis High School
Horace Mann School
The Pingry School
Collegiate School
Convent of the Sacred Heart
Newark Academy
The Spence School
Rye Country Day School
High Technology High School
The Nightingale-Bamford School
Dalton School
The Academy for Mathematics,Science&Engineering
Bronx High School of Science
Delbarton School
Stuyvesant High School
Lycee Francais de New York
Avenues The World School
Bergen County Academies
Dwight-Englewood School
The Chaplin School
Staten Island Technical High School
Marymount School of New York
Townsend Harris High School
Kent Place School
Friends Academy
Biotechnology High School
The Browning School
Hackely School
Saint Ann's School
BASIS Independent Brooklyn
Union County Magnet High School
Rutgers Preparatory School
Montclair Kimberley Academy
Poly Prep Country Day School
Jericho Senior High School
ECFS-Fieldston Middle/Upper School
Greenwich Academy
Niche表示,它的排名与其他几乎完全依赖考试成绩和学业表现的排名不同,因为它还包括来自学生、校友和家长的意见,以及来自美国教育部(U.S.Department of Education)等来源的量化数据,以评估教师、资源和设施。
与往年一样,最佳学校排名包括寄宿学校、特许学校和磁校(magnet schools),以及STEM和艺术等学校。
北卡罗莱纳科学与数学高中(North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics)是全国最好的。疫情期间,达勒姆高中(Durham)稳步攀升,在2021年排名第四,一年后排名第二。
1. 北卡的North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics
2. 伊利诺伊州芝加哥的Payton College Preparatory High School
3. 内华达州的Davidson Academy
4. 麻省的 MA Academy for Math&Science School
5. 伊利诺伊州芝加哥的Northside College Preparatory High School
6. 伊利诺伊州芝加哥的Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
7. 华盛顿特区的High School for Science&Technology
8. 维吉尼亚州的Walker Governor’s School
9. 纽约市的Technology High School
10. 伊利诺伊州芝加哥的Young Magnet High School
在私立高中方面,麻省的Phillips Academy Andover连续第三年蝉联第一。
1. 麻省波士顿的Phillips Academy Andover
2. 加州洛杉矶的Harvard-Westlake School
3. 康州的Choate Rosemary Hall
4. 新罕布什尔州的Phillips Exeter Academy
5. 麻省波士顿的Groton School
6. 纽约市的Trinity School
7. 得州的St.Mark’s School of Texas
8. 加州旧金山的The College Preparatory School
9. 麻省波士顿的Commonwealth School
10. 加州旧金山的The Nueva School
1. 芝加哥的Adlai E.Stevenson High School District No.125
2. 芝加哥的Glenbrook High Schools District225
3. 纽约的Great Neck Public Schools
4. 纽约的Jericho Union Free School District
5. 纽约的Syosset Central School District、
6. 纽约的Roslyn Union Free School District、
7. 芝加哥的New Trier Township High School District No.203
8. 印第安纳州的West Lafayette Community School Corporation
9. 加州的Palo Alto Unified School District San Francisco Bay area
10. 得州的Eanes Independent School District