华裔组织请注意!为捍卫我们享有平等教育的权利,请加入AACE 向最高法院递交的陈述!
1. 最高法院应该审理波士顿使用貌似中立的入学制度来迫使亚裔和白人申请学生入学GPA高于其他种族的歧视现象。(It Is Vital That This Court Examine Boston’s Use of Facially-Neutral Proxies That Forces Asian American and White American Applicants to Achieve Higher GPAs for Admission Than Applicants of Other Races.)
2. 波士顿考试学校的招生计划是出于种族动机而且违宪。它是有意设计的,旨在降低亚裔和白人学生的入学人数。(The Boston Exam Schools' Admissions Plan Is Racially Motivated and Unconstitutional. It Is Deliberately Crafted to Lower Asian American and White American Enrollment.)
3. 该招生计划受害最深重的是那些最没有能力承受的弱势家庭。(The Burden of the Admissions Plan Falls Heaviest on Those Individuals Least Able to Bear It.)
4. 与学校董事会的信念相反,美国亚裔本身就具有多样性,并对多样性做出了重大贡献。(Contrary to the School Board’s Belief, Asian Americans Are Themselves Diverse and Contribute Significantly to Diversity.)
5. 波士顿招生计划是美国激进的“种族均等”运动的一个部分,该运动试图在原来实行择优录取学校中违宪地实现种族群体之间的结果均等。(The Boston Admissions Plan Is Part of An Activist "Racial Equity" Movement That Seeks Unconstitutionally to Impose Equal Results Among Racial Groups on Merit-based Schools.)
6. 最高法院在“学生公平招生组织诉哈佛大学”案中的判决并未解决此处紧迫的问题,即貌似中立的入学制度是否可以用于在中小学搞种族平衡。(This Court's Ruling in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard University Does Not Address the Urgent Question Presented Here of Whether Facially-Neutral Proxies Can Be Used to Racially Balance K-12 Schools.)
1. Asian American Coalition for Education
2. Orlando Chinese Association
3. U.N.N.E.F.
4. Chinese Association of Tallahassee
5. Parents Group of New York
6. NC Asian American Coalition
7. Global Professional Mentorship Foundation
8. Huaxia Evangelical seminary
9. American Hindu Coalition
10. Chinese Association of Northwest Arkansas
11. Law Office of Michael Lu
12. 80-20 Education Foundation, Inc.
13. First Han International Language School
14. Chinese Culture Society of Greater Nashua
15. Utah Chinese Golden Spike Society
17. American Lin Ze Xu Foundation, Inc
18. Coalition for TJ
19. United Chinese Association of Utah
20. 80-20 Initiative DC Chapter
21. Equal Rights for All PAC
22. Chinese American Alliance
23. Chinese American Heritage Association Inc
24. Californians for Equal Rights Foundation
26. Silicon Valley Chinese Association
27. New York City Residents Alliance
28. Fujian Association of South USA
29. Parents Group of New York
30. United Cultural Association
31. San Diego Asian Americans For Equality
32. Chimerica Women Association
33. Lung Kông Tin Yee Association of Sacramento
34. Global Organization of People of Indian Origin
35. WEL Education Group
36. Boston Forward Foundation
37. Minnesota Chinese Association
38. Association for Education Fairness
39. ASC Aplus Program
40. Harrison Chinese Association