2021年1月19日下午,美國第45任總統唐納德·川普(Donald Trump)發表離任之前的告別演講,以下為全文翻譯(英文版見後)。我的美國同胞們:四年前,我們發起了一場偉大的全國性的努力,來重建我們的國家,來重塑我們的精神,來重拾這個政府對公民的忠誠。簡而言之,我們擔負起了一場讓美國再次偉大的使命——為所有的美國人。當我結束作為美國第45任總統的任期時,我真誠地站在你們面前,為我們共同取得的成就感到自豪。我們做到了我們想要來這裡做的每一件事——甚至更多。本周,我們將舉行新政府的就職典禮,並共同祈禱新政府在未來維護美國安全和繁榮方面取得成功。我們在這裡表達最美好的祝願,也衷心地希望他們好運-——這是一個非常重要的詞。首先,我要感謝幾位了不起的人,是他們讓我們的這趟非凡之旅成為可能。首先,請允許我對了不起的第一夫人梅拉尼婭的愛和支持表示衷心的感謝。同時,也向我的女兒伊萬卡,我的女婿賈里德,以及巴倫、唐、埃里克、蒂凡尼和勞拉,表達我最深切的謝意。是你們讓我的世界充滿光明和歡樂。我還要感謝副總統邁克·彭斯,以及他出色的妻子凱倫和整個彭斯家族。我還要感謝我的幕僚長馬克·梅多斯、白宮工作人員、內閣中盡職盡責的成員們,以及我們政府中所有了不起的人們,他們全心全意地為美國而戰。我還想花點時間感謝一群真正傑出的人:美國特勤局。我和我的家人永遠都欠你們人情。我還要向白宮軍事辦公室里的每一個人、海軍一號和空軍一號的每一支隊伍、武裝部隊的每一名成員,以及全國各地的州和地方執法部門表示深切的感謝。最重要的是,我要感謝美國人民。擔任你們的總統,是一種無法用言語形容的榮耀。感謝你們賜予我這非凡的榮耀。這就是它的本質——一種極大的特權,同時也是一份極大的榮耀。我們絕不能忘記,雖然美國人總是有分歧,但我們是一個由難以置信的、體面的、忠實的、愛好和平的公民組成的國家,每個人都希望我們的國家繁榮昌盛,也都希望我們的國家繁榮昌盛、非常成功和美好。我們是一個真正偉大的國家。所有的美國人,都被我們的國會大廈襲擊事件嚇壞了。政治暴力,攻擊的是我們作為美國人所珍視的一切。這是絕對不能容忍的。我們現在比以往任何時候,都必須更團結地守護我們共同的價值觀,我們要放下黨派仇恨,共同塑造我們的命運。四年前,我來到華盛頓,成為美國有史以來贏得總統職位的唯一一個「局外人」。我想說,我從未把這份職業看作是一名政治家,我把自己當做了一名建造者,我看著遼闊的天際,憧憬著無限的可能。我競選總統是因為我知道,美國正等待著攀登一座嶄新的高峰,等待著擴大規模;是因為我知道,只要我們把美國放在第一位,我們這個國家的潛能將是無限的。正因為如此,我拋棄了原來的生活,踏進了一個舉步維艱的競技場。但無論如何我相信,只要我做得足夠好,美國就會創造出各種各樣的潛能。美國曾經給與了我那麼多,我想要付出回報。和全國數百萬勤勞的愛國者一起,我們建立了我國歷史上最偉大的政治運動。我們還建立了世界歷史上最偉大的經濟體系。這就是「美國第一」,因為我們都想讓美國再次偉大。我們恢復了一個國家要為公民服務的原則。我們的議程不再關乎左右傾向,不再關乎是共和黨還是民主黨,而是看重整個國家的利益。在美國人民的支持和祈禱下,我們取得了前所未有的成就。沒有人會覺得我們做得還不夠。我們通過了美國歷史上最大的減稅和改革方案。我們削減了比以往任何一屆政府都更多的裁員條例。我們修復了破裂的貿易協議,退出了可怕的跨太平洋夥伴關係和不可能達成的《巴黎氣候協定》,並重新對單方面的韓國協議做出談判,我們用開創性、非常成功的《美墨加協定》——即墨西哥和加拿大,取代了《北美自由貿易協定》。此外,也是非常重要的是,我們與*國達成了一項重大的新協議。但是,就在簽字的墨水還未乾之前,我們和全世界就都遭受了病毒的襲擊。我們的貿易關係正在迅速變化,數十億美元正源源不斷地湧入美國,但病毒卻迫使我們走向了不同的方向。整個世界都遭受了損失,但由於我們建立的了不起的經濟體系,美國的經濟表現明顯優於其它國家。如果沒有地基和基礎,就不會有這樣的效果。這已經是我們能創造的最好的數字了。我們還開放了能源資源,成為世界上最大的石油和天然氣生產國。在這些政策的推動下,我們建立了世界歷史上最偉大的經濟體。我們重新創造了美國的就業機會,實現了非裔美國人、西班牙裔美國人、亞裔美國人,以及女性的創紀錄的低失業率。國家繁榮、收入猛增,我們的「美國夢」得以恢復,數以百萬計的人們在短短几年內就擺脫了貧困。這是個奇蹟。股市也在這短短的幾年時間裡,創下了一個又一個的紀錄,達到了股票市場的148高點,提振了全國各地勤勞公民的退休和養老金水平。401(K)s處於前所未有的水平。不論是在大流行之前還是之後,我們從未見過這樣的數字。我們重建了美國的製造業基地,開設了數以千計的新工廠,並帶回了一個美麗的詞語:「美國製造」。為了改善工薪家庭的生活,我們將兒童稅收抵免增加了一倍,並簽署了有史以來最大規模的兒童保育和發展資金擴展協議。我們與私營企業一同承諾,為未來的工作培訓1,600多萬美國工人。當我們的國家遭受可怕的大流行病打擊時,我們生產的疫苗——不是一種,而是兩種新冠疫苗——都以破紀錄的速度加快生產,更多的疫苗將很快問世。他們都說做不到,但是我們做到了。他們稱之為「醫學奇蹟」。其它政府可能需要花費3、4、5,甚至10年的時間才能研製出疫苗。但我們在九個月的時間裡就做到了。我們為失去的每一條生命感到悲痛,我們向他們保證將一勞永逸地永遠消滅這一可怕的流行病。當病毒對世界經濟造成殘酷打擊時,我們啟動了有史以來最快速的經濟復甦。我們通過了近4萬億美元的經濟救助,挽救並支持了超過5,000萬個就業機會,並將失業率降低了一半。這些數字在我們國家之前從未見過的。我們在醫療保健方面擴大了選擇權和透明度,在許多方面與大型製藥公司抗衡,特別是在我們努力爭取加入優惠國家條款,這將使我們成為世界上處方葯價格最低的國家。我們通過了《退伍軍人選擇法》、《退伍軍人問責制》、審判權和具有里程碑意義的刑事司法改革。我們任命了美國最高法院的三名大法官。我們還任命了近300名聯邦法官,來解釋並擁護我們的憲法。多年以來,美國人民一直懇求華盛頓確保國家邊界的安全。我很高興地說,我們回應了這個請求,並建立了美國歷史上最安全的邊界。我們已經給我們勇敢的邊防人員和海關官員,提供了比以往任何時候都做得更好的工具,來執行我們的法律、保障美國的安全。我們非常自豪地、給下屆政府留下了有史以來最強有力的邊境安全措施。這包括與墨西哥、瓜地馬拉、宏都拉斯和薩爾瓦多的歷史性協議,以及長達450多英里的強大新牆。我們恢復了美國在國內的實力,以及在海外的領導地位。全世界再一次尊重我們。請不要讓這種尊重再次丟失。我們在聯合國為美國挺身而出,退出那些從不符合我們利益的單邊全球協議,從而恢復了我們的主權。北約國家比幾年前我上任時,多支付給我們數千億美元。原本這都是些非常不公平的協議。我們曾經為全世界的損失買單。而現在,全世界都在幫助我們。也許最重要的是,我們花費了近3萬億美元重建了美國軍隊——所有都是美國製造。我們發起了美國武裝部隊75年來的第一個新分支:美國太空軍。去年春天,我站在佛羅里達州肯尼迪航天中心,看著美國宇航員多年來第一次乘坐美國火箭返回太空。我們重振同盟、團結世界各國。我們消滅了伊斯蘭國的哈里發,結束了其創始人和領導人巴格達迪悲慘的生活。我們奮起反抗壓迫性的伊朗政權,殺害了世界上最頂級的恐怖分子,伊朗屠夫Qasem Soleimani。我們承認耶路撒冷是以色列的首都,並承認以色列對戈蘭高地的主權。由於我們大膽的外交和原則現實主義,我們在中東達成了一系列歷史性的和平協議。以前沒人相信這會發生。《亞伯拉罕協定》為和平與和諧的未來打開了大門,而再不是暴力和流血。這是一個新中東的曙光,我們正在把我們的士兵帶回家。讓我尤其感到自豪的是,我是幾十年來第一位沒有發動新戰爭的美國總統。最重要的是,我們重申了一個神聖的理念:在美國,政府必須對人民負責。我們的指引之光,我們的北極星,我們堅定的信念是,我們來到這裡是為美國每一位高尚公民服務的。我們的忠誠不是對某個特殊利益集團、公司或全球實體的忠誠,而是對我們的孩子、我們的公民和我們國家本身的忠誠。作為總統,我的首要任務,也是我一直關注的問題,一直都是美國工人和美國家庭的最大利益。這並不容易,實際上這是一條最艱難的道路。我沒有尋求一條能得到最少批評的道路。我參加了艱苦的戰鬥,最艱難的戰鬥,最艱難的選擇,因為這就是人民選擇我做總統所期望的。你們的需求,是我第一個也是最後一個要為止不屈不撓的奮鬥點。我希望這成為我們最偉大的遺產:我們一起讓美國人民重新掌管我們的國家。我們恢復了自治。我們重新認識到,在美國,沒有人會被遺忘,因為每個人都很重要,每個人都有發言權。我們爭取的原則是,每個公民都有權享有平等的尊嚴、平等的待遇和平等的權利,因為上帝使我們人人平等。每個人都有權得到尊重,傾聽他們的聲音,並讓他們的政府聽取他們的意見。你們忠於你們的國家,而我的政府將一直忠於你們。我們努力建設出一個每個公民都能找到一份好工作、支持他們美好家庭的國家。我們為向每個美國人提供安全的社區、為每個孩子提供學校而奮鬥。我們提倡這樣一種文化:我們的法律將得到維護,我們的英雄將受到尊重,我們的歷史得以保存,守法的公民永遠不會被認為是理所當然的。美國人民應該對我們共同取得的成就感到極大的滿足。這太不可思議了。現在,我就要離開白宮了,我一直在思考這個無價遺產所面臨的威脅。作為世界上最強大的國家,美國不斷面臨來自國外的威脅和挑戰。但我們面臨的最大威脅是對自己失去信心、對我們國家的偉大失去信心。一個民族只有精神強大,整個民族才會強大。我們只有驕傲自信,才能保持活力。只有人民心中永遠都跳動著這份信念,我們才能永遠充滿活力。對自己的價值觀、歷史和英雄失去信心的國家,是不會長久繁榮昌盛的,因為這些才是我們團結和保持活力的源泉。美國之所以能夠戰勝過去那些巨大的挑戰,是因為我們始終對我國的最貴地位、獨特目標抱有不屈不撓、毫不羞恥的信念。我們絕不能失去這種信念。我們絕不能放棄對美國的信仰。一個國家偉大的關鍵,在於維持和灌輸我們共同的民族認同感。這意味著我們要把注意力集中在我們的共同之處:我們共享的遺產。這一遺產的核心也是對言論自由和公開辯論的堅定信念。只有當我們忘記了自己是誰,以及我們是如何來到這裡的,我們才會允許政治審查和黑名單這樣的事情在美國發生。這是不可想像的。停止自由言論和公開的辯論,這顯然違反了我們的核心價值觀和最持久的傳統。在美國,我們不堅持絕對一致,但也不執行僵化的正統觀念和懲罰性的言論規範。我們不會這麼做。美國不是一個膽小的國家,那種靈魂被馴服、需要得到庇護,並遠離意見相左的國家。我們不是這樣的人。我們永遠不會。近250年來,面對每一個挑戰,美國人總是鼓起我們無與倫比的勇氣、信心和強烈的獨立性。這些神奇的特質,曾經讓數百萬人穿越荒野的大陸,在偉大的西方開創了新的生活。正是這種出於對上帝所賜自由的深切的愛,我們的士兵才有了戰鬥的意志,我們的宇航員才進入了太空。回想過去的四年,我腦海中只浮現出一幅畫面。就是每當我的車隊前行時,路邊總會有成千上萬的人。他們和家人一起站在我們經過的地方,自豪地揮舞著我們偉大的美國國旗。每一次,這個畫面都讓我深深地為之感動。我知道他們不僅僅是為了表達對我的支持,而是為了向我展示他們對這個國家的支持和愛。這是一個由自豪的公民所組成的共和國,他們團結在我們的共同信念中,認為美國是歷史上最偉大的國家。我們現在是,而且必須永遠是一個充滿希望、光明和榮耀的世界。這將是我們面對每一個歷史轉折點時,都必須維護的寶貴遺產。在過去的四年里,我一直在努力去做到這一點。從利雅得穆斯林領袖的大廳到華沙的波蘭人民廣場;從韓國議會的會場到聯合國大會的講台;從北京的紫禁城到拉什莫爾山的影子下:我為你們而戰!我為你們的家庭而戰!我為我們的國家而戰!最重要的是,我為美國和它所代表的一切而戰——安全、強大、自豪和自由的美國!現在,當我即將在周三中午將權力移交給新政府時,我想讓你們知道,我們開啟的運動才剛剛開始。這是從來沒有過的事情。一個國家必須為其公民服務的信念不會減弱,而只會一天比一天更強大。只要美國人民對國家的熱愛深入人心,那麼就沒有什麼是這個國家不能實現的。我們的社區將蓬勃發展!我們的人民會繁榮昌盛!我們的傳統將受到珍視!我們的信仰會更加強大!我們的未來,將比以往任何時候都更加光明!我將懷著一顆忠誠而快樂的心,一種樂觀的精神,以及一種至高無上的信念,從這個莊嚴的地方出發。相信對我們的國家和我們的孩子來說,最好的還遠遠沒有到來。謝謝你們,再見。願上帝保佑你們。願上帝保佑美利堅合眾國。My fellow Americans: Four years ago, we launched a great national effort to rebuild our country, to renew its spirit, and to restore the allegiance of this government to its citizens. In short, we embarked on a mission to make America great again — for all Americans.As I conclude my term as the 45th President of the United States, I stand before you truly proud of what we have achieved together. We did what we came here to do — and so much more.This week, we inaugurate a new administration and pray for its success in keeping America safe and prosperous. We extend our best wishes, and we also want them to have luck — a very important word.I』d like to begin by thanking just a few of the amazing people who made our remarkable journey possible.First, let me express my overwhelming gratitude for the love and support of our spectacular First Lady, Melania. Let me also share my deepest appreciation to my daughter Ivanka, my son-in-law Jared, and to Barron, Don, Eric, Tiffany, and Lara. You fill my world with light and with joy.I also want to thank Vice President Mike Pence, his wonderful wife Karen, and the entire Pence family.Thank you as well to my Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows; the dedicated members of the White House Staff and the Cabinet; and all the incredible people across our administration who poured out their heart and soul to fight for America.I also want to take a moment to thank a truly exceptional group of people: the United States Secret Service. My family and I will forever be in your debt. My profound gratitude as well to everyone in the White House Military Office, the teams of Marine One and Air Force One, every member of the Armed Forces, and state and local law enforcement all across our country.Most of all, I want to thank the American people. To serve as your President has been an honor beyond description. Thank you for this extraordinary privilege. And that』s what it is — a great privilege and a great honor.We must never forget that while Americans will always have our disagreements, we are a nation of incredible, decent, faithful, and peace-loving citizens who all want our country to thrive and flourish and be very, very successful and good. We are a truly magnificent nation.All Americans were horrified by the assault on our Capitol. Political violence is an attack on everything we cherish as Americans. It can never be tolerated.Now more than ever, we must unify around our shared values and rise above the partisan rancor, and forge our common destiny.Four years ago, I came to Washington as the only true outsider ever to win the presidency. I had not spent my career as a politician, but as a builder looking at open skylines and imagining infinite possibilities. I ran for President because I knew there were towering new summits for America just waiting to be scaled. I knew the potential for our nation was boundless as long as we put America first.So I left behind my former life and stepped into a very difficult arena, but an arena nevertheless, with all sorts of potential if properly done. America had given me so much, and I wanted to give something back.Together with millions of hardworking patriots across this land, we built the greatest political movement in the history of our country. We also built the greatest economy in the history of the world. It was about 「America First」 because we all wanted to make America great again. We restored the principle that a nation exists to serve its citizens. Our agenda was not about right or left, it wasn』t about Republican or Democrat, but about the good of a nation, and that means the whole nation.With the support and prayers of the American people, we achieved more than anyone thought possible. Nobody thought we could even come close.We passed the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history. We slashed more job-killing regulations than any administration had ever done before. We fixed our broken trade deals, withdrew from the horrible Trans-Pacific Partnership and the impossible Paris Climate Accord, renegotiated the one-sided South Korea deal, and we replaced NAFTA with the groundbreaking USMCA — that』s Mexico and Canada — a deal that』s worked out very, very well.Also, and very importantly, we imposed historic and monumental tariffs on China; made a great new deal with China. But before the ink was even dry, we and the whole world got hit with the China virus. Our trade relationship was rapidly changing, billions and billions of dollars were pouring into the U.S., but the virus forced us to go in a different direction.The whole world suffered, but America outperformed other countries economically because of our incredible economy and the economy that we built. Without the foundations and footings, it wouldn』t have worked out this way. We wouldn』t have some of the best numbers we』ve ever had.We also unlocked our energy resources and became the world』s number-one producer of oil and natural gas by far. Powered by these policies, we built the greatest economy in the history of the world. We reignited America』s job creation and achieved record-low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women — almost everyone.Incomes soared, wages boomed, the American Dream was restored, and millions were lifted from poverty in just a few short years. It was a miracle. The stock market set one record after another, with 148 stock market highs during this short period of time, and boosted the retirements and pensions of hardworking citizens all across our nation. 401(k)s are at a level they』ve never been at before. We』ve never seen numbers like we』ve seen, and that』s before the pandemic and after the pandemic.We rebuilt the American manufacturing base, opened up thousands of new factories, and brought back the beautiful phrase: 「Made in the USA.」To make life better for working families, we doubled the child tax credit and signed the largest-ever expansion of funding for childcare and development. We joined with the private sector to secure commitments to train more than 16 million American workers for the jobs of tomorrow.When our nation was hit with the terrible pandemic, we produced not one, but two vaccines with record-breaking speed, and more will quickly follow. They said it couldn』t be done but we did it. They call it a 「medical miracle,」 and that』s what they』re calling it right now: a 「medical miracle.」Another administration would have taken 3, 4, 5, maybe even up to 10 years to develop a vaccine. We did in nine months.We grieve for every life lost, and we pledge in their memory to wipe out this horrible pandemic once and for all.When the virus took its brutal toll on the world』s economy, we launched the fastest economic recovery our country has ever seen. We passed nearly $4 trillion in economic relief, saved or supported over 50 million jobs, and slashed the unemployment rate in half. These are numbers that our country has never seen before.We created choice and transparency in healthcare, stood up to big pharma in so many ways, but especially in our effort to get favored-nations clauses added, which will give us the lowest prescription drug prices anywhere in the world.We passed VA Choice, VA Accountability, Right to Try, and landmark criminal justice reform.We confirmed three new justices of the United States Supreme Court. We appointed nearly 300 federal judges to interpret our Constitution as written.For years, the American people pleaded with Washington to finally secure the nation』s borders. I am pleased to say we answered that plea and achieved the most secure border in U.S. history. We have given our brave border agents and heroic ICE officers the tools they need to do their jobs better than they have ever done before, and to enforce our laws and keep America safe.We proudly leave the next administration with the strongest and most robust border security measures ever put into place. This includes historic agreements with Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, along with more than 450 miles of powerful new wall.We restored American strength at home and American leadership abroad. The world respects us again. Please don』t lose that respect.We reclaimed our sovereignty by standing up for America at the United Nations and withdrawing from the one-sided global deals that never served our interests. And NATO countries are now paying hundreds of billions of dollars more than when I arrived just a few years ago. It was very unfair. We were paying the cost for the world. Now the world is helping us.And perhaps most importantly of all, with nearly $3 trillion, we fully rebuilt the American military — all made in the USA. We launched the first new branch of the United States Armed Forces in 75 years: the Space Force. And last spring, I stood at Kennedy Space Center in Florida and watched as American astronauts returned to space on American rockets for the first time in many, many years.We revitalized our alliances and rallied the nations of the world to stand up to China like never before.We obliterated the ISIS caliphate and ended the wretched life of its founder and leader, al Baghdadi. We stood up to the oppressive Iranian regime and killed the world』s top terrorist, Iranian butcher Qasem Soleimani.We recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.As a result of our bold diplomacy and principled realism, we achieved a series of historic peace deals in the Middle East. Nobody believed it could happen. The Abraham Accords opened the doors to a future of peace and harmony, not violence and bloodshed. It is the dawn of a new Middle East, and we are bringing our soldiers home.I am especially proud to be the first President in decades who has started no new wars.Above all, we have reasserted the sacred idea that, in America, the government answers to the people. Our guiding light, our North Star, our unwavering conviction has been that we are here to serve the noble everyday citizens of America. Our allegiance is not to the special interests, corporations, or global entities; it』s to our children, our citizens, and to our nation itself.As President, my top priority, my constant concern, has always been the best interests of American workers and American families. I did not seek the easiest course; by far, it was actually the most difficult. I did not seek the path that would get the least criticism. I took on the tough battles, the hardest fights, the most difficult choices because that』s what you elected me to do. Your needs were my first and last unyielding focus.This, I hope, will be our greatest legacy: Together, we put the American people back in charge of our country. We restored self-government. We restored the idea that in America no one is forgotten, because everyone matters and everyone has a voice. We fought for the principle that every citizen is entitled to equal dignity, equal treatment, and equal rights because we are all made equal by God. Everyone is entitled to be treated with respect, to have their voice heard, and to have their government listen. You are loyal to your country, and my administration was always loyal to you.We worked to build a country in which every citizen could find a great job and support their wonderful families. We fought for the communities where every American could be safe and schools where every child could learn. We promoted a culture where our laws would be upheld, our heroes honored, our history preserved, and law-abiding citizens are never taken for granted. Americans should take tremendous satisfaction in all that we have achieved together. It』s incredible.Now, as I leave the White House, I have been reflecting on the dangers that threaten the priceless inheritance we all share. As the world』s most powerful nation, America faces constant threats and challenges from abroad. But the greatest danger we face is a loss of confidence in ourselves, a loss of confidence in our national greatness. A nation is only as strong as its spirit. We are only as dynamic as our pride. We are only as vibrant as the faith that beats in the hearts of our people.No nation can long thrive that loses faith in its own values, history, and heroes, for these are the very sources of our unity and our vitality.What has always allowed America to prevail and triumph over the great challenges of the past has been an unyielding and unashamed conviction in the nobility of our country and its unique purpose in history. We must never lose this conviction. We must never forsake our belief in America.The key to national greatness lies in sustaining and instilling our shared national identity. That means focusing on what we have in common: the heritage that we all share.At the center of this heritage is also a robust belief in free expression, free speech, and open debate. Only if we forget who we are, and how we got here, could we ever allow political censorship and blacklisting to take place in America. It』s not even thinkable. Shutting down free and open debate violates our core values and most enduring traditions.
In America, we don』t insist on absolute conformity or enforce rigid orthodoxies and punitive speech codes. We just don』t do that. America is not a timid nation of tame souls who need to be sheltered and protected from those with whom we disagree. That』s not who we are. It will never be who we are.For nearly 250 years, in the face of every challenge, Americans have always summoned our unmatched courage, confidence, and fierce independence. These are the miraculous traits that once led millions of everyday citizens to set out across a wild continent and carve out a new life in the great West. It was the same profound love of our God-given freedom that willed our soldiers into battle and our astronauts into space.As I think back on the past four years, one image rises in my mind above all others. Whenever I traveled all along the motorcade route, there were thousands and thousands of people. They came out with their families so that they could stand as we passed, and proudly wave our great American flag. It never failed to deeply move me. I knew that they did not just come out to show their support of me; they came out to show me their support and love for our country.This is a republic of proud citizens who are united by our common conviction that America is the greatest nation in all of history. We are, and must always be, a land of hope, of light, and of glory to all the world. This is the precious inheritance that we must safeguard at every single turn.For the past four years, I have worked to do just that. From a great hall of Muslim leaders in Riyadh to a great square of Polish people in Warsaw; from the floor of the Korean Assembly to the podium at the United Nations General Assembly; and from the Forbidden City in Beijing to the shadow of Mount Rushmore, I fought for you, I fought for your family, I fought for our country. Above all, I fought for America and all it stands for — and that is safe, strong, proud, and free.Now, as I prepare to hand power over to a new administration at noon on Wednesday, I want you to know that the movement we started is only just beginning. There』s never been anything like it. The belief that a nation must serve its citizens will not dwindle but instead only grow stronger by the day.As long as the American people hold in their hearts deep and devoted love of country, then there is nothing that this nation cannot achieve. Our communities will flourish. Our people will be prosperous. Our traditions will be cherished. Our faith will be strong. And our future will be brighter than ever before.I go from this majestic place with a loyal and joyful heart, an optimistic spirit, and a supreme confidence that for our country and for our children, the best is yet to come.Thank you, and farewell. God bless you. God bless the United States of America.